Why Uruguayan Women Are So Popular Nowadays?

So, let us keep our promise and tell you more about what is special about them.
- Uruguayan women are very liberal. They fight for their rights desperately, which resulted in their country becoming one of the most tolerant ones on the continent. They do not object to homosexuality or the national minority. Solidarity and mutual respect are of the biggest importance for Uruguayans, which also leaves a positive trace in families.
- Uruguayan women are respected here. Domestic violence or rape is a rarity in Uruguay. Men admire their women and rarely flirt on the streets even when drunk. Even if it happens, Uruguayan women use the most effective method of ignorance.
- Uruguayan women are educated and creative as far as they are provided with the possibility to develop and prosper. The government guarantees free school and university education for every single citizen. It also supports creative personas and the development of Uruguayan culture. The proof is a number of famous Uruguayan female artists, for instance, Bárbara Álvarez, Agustina Casas Sere-Leguizamon, Guma Zorrilla, Jill Mulleady and others. Throughout their lives, they are surrounded by music flowing from all possible corners. That is why local females have such a tender musical sense and even a small ability to dance. Besides, an average Uruguayan girl has the right shape to move her hips around. But we will talk about it later.
- Uruguayan women for marriage are hospitable, amiable, and out-going but they put great value in spending time with family and closest friends. A fact proving their affability is that they allow only the closest people to the wedding ceremony but invite everyone to the wedding party, even random by-passers.
- Women of Uruguay are curvy and are not ashamed of it. Besides, they prefer wearing tight clothes to highlight their figures even more. There are a lot of women who are worse stopping and admiring their beauty. What do they look like in general? Like a mixture of Mexican and Spanish nations, or a mixture of Jennifer Lopez and Penelopa Cruz.
What is more, have you seen Uruguayan women who are already grandmothers? They are the highest level of cuteness and glamour. Stylish hairstyles, pretty shoes, make-up – they always try to look their best even when in a hurry. It is great because they still remain young in their hearts full of passion and a desire to fulfill their dreams and goals even despite the wrinkles, joint pain, and grey hair.
What Are Uruguayan Wifes Like?
To let you imagine what your Uruguayan lady will be as a wife, we need to look at their values.
- Uruguayan women are setting limits but at the same time contemplating each other. They believe that intimacy along with the preservation of identity is what makes a good family. When both wife and husband respect each other’s needs and interests.
- Self-respect. Hot Uruguayan girls won’t let you dip their faces into the dirt. There must also be trust because being honest to your partner is what makes everyday life easier as you do not need to think of ways to not let the truth unveil. Mistrust undermines communication and support, meaning marriage.
- They believe in incompatibility. A man and an Uruguayan girl should have some similar aspects to build a healthy relationship and a strong family in the future.
- Both partners need to take responsibility for the relationship. In Uruguay, there is a stereotypical scheme of the family with a man-bread-earner and a woman, who takes care care of children and households. Being responsible is a desirable quality when looking for someone to spend life with, two parts must be dedicated to building their common life.
- For an Uruguayan girl, communication is a tool for solving problems in a diplomatic way. It works in politics and it works the same in family life. The more one reveals his feelings, opinions, and thoughts the less shaky the basement of relationships is.
- Emotional strength and stability. A person who can fight through the tough times without giving up on their partner is desirable in the partnership.
- Even if the interests and opinions do not coincide, the values must be similar. If one partner’s goal is career growth and the other one is a strong family then that union is better not to happen as Uruguayans believe.
Why Uruguayan Women are Looking for a Foreign Husband?
Local men are quite pragmatic, that is why Uruguayan wives remain disappointed as far as they expect bigger expressions of love than just compliments, an invitation for a dance or a drink. In addition, they are constantly asking “What do your family and friends think of me?”, meaning they are a bit cowardly.
Another characteristic feature of Uruguayans is delaying and being late. It relates to everyone, but any woman would not be out of temper after waiting an hour for her date to come. What is more, travelers say that if Uruguayans want to convince you of something, they will repeat it many times, until you either agree or send them to hell.
What is more, Uruguayan men are not very loyal which makes an Uruguayan girl searches for more faithful foreigners.
Where to Meet Hot Uruguayan Women?
Obviously in Uruguay. It is a great country worth visiting. Yes, it is South America, which is known for its hot temper, drug dealing, and poorness but, as mentioned before, Uruguay is not like that – it is a peaceful and European-like country. The poor neighborhoods are situated on the outskirts of the city. And the number of poor people is significantly lower than in other countries in that region. There are no favelas like in Brazil, territories where the police are even afraid to take the step. If you are interested, then police have huge authority and respect among the population.
What is more, you can meet an Uruguayan girl even right now with the help of a specialized online dating platform. Do not miss this chance while you plan your trip, and perhaps by the time you leave your country, your Uruguayan girl will be waiting for you at the airport.
Uruguayan Dating Culture: 6 Tips On Dating a Hot Uruguayan Girl
Surely, you should know the specifics of dating Uruguayan women in real life and in online mode as well.
- Treat her appropriately. As said before hot Uruguayan women can’t stand disrespect. Did you know that after the divorce women get all the possessions and children? Respect her or she will turn around and you will only see her beautiful back as the last sight of her.
- Try to meet her at a dance party. Or invite your Uruguayan girl there. Playing music right on the street is a very common occurrence in Uruguay and people passing by do like to stop for a while and enjoy the music. Sometimes they even dance so it can be the perfect time to catch an attractive woman right on the spot.
- Be open and straightforward. Remember the values that make them proper brides? Do not even try to lie to beautiful Uruguayan girls. If you want to compliment her on her appearance – go ahead! Those women can’t handle hesitation.
- Do not be late and try to impress her. Think of something more extraordinary than going to a bar. Those women are tired of their men being constantly not in time, so make her wish to see a man appear in time come true. Dating an Uruguayan woman, show your confidence and that you do deserve an Uruguayan woman as a wife.
- Showing off expensive possessions is not the strategy to choose. It is not generally acceptable to demonstrate your status in Uruguay. Your heart, intentions, opinion, thoughts, and values are far more imperative in that case.
- Uruguayan women do not tend to get married early. So do not hurry things up. Enjoy the time spent with your magnificent Uruguayan girl. However, if she is ready to go to your place after the date then just do it.
What Do Uruguayan Women Think About Sport?
Almost all countries in Latin America define football as their main sport interest. Uruguay is no exception. The government tries to support the development of women’s sport, especially football. In general, sexy Uruguayan girls like to keep their curvy figures and can do light workouts just to move around. Of course, there are fit girls out there too, and the trend of healthy lifestyle working outreached that country as well.
Will My Beautiful Uruguayan Woman Smoke Weed On Out First Date?
Firstly, Uruguay is a chill country. Everything is slowed down there. Secondly, it is one of the few countries that have legalized smoking light drugs. The attitude towards harsh narcotics is strongly negative so do not be afraid about that. By the way, José Mujica, a former president of Uruguay, smoked weed during one of his interviews. So it is absolutely normal if a woman proposes you weed on a date, that is how it is.
How Do Pretty Uruguayan Women Differ From Europeans?
Once you con there you will assume that the girls there are the same as in Europe. Overall, they are quite sociable and affable. What differs them from some Europeans is the opinion on the case of a family budget. Women there do not expect you to pay for them. They are strong independent women who can provide themselves with the necessities or you will divide the cost by half. There is full equality not only in family budgets but in life in general.

Linda Olson is a qualified psychologist with ten years of experience. Her main specialization is assistance in adapting to people who were forced to radically change their lives and move to another country. She also worked with Latin immigrants as a volunteer and knows everything about the lives, feelings, culture, and problems of these people.